Persuasion Secrets Of A Master Hypnotist - The Four Power Words

Here's a secret not many people know...

A few years ago I was named one of the top 24 hypnotists in the world.

When I used to teach NLP and conversational hypnosis, one of my favourite topics was the Four Power Words.

What are the Four Power Words?

They are (as the name implies) four words, which when used exactly as I'm about to share with you, add incredible power to your influence and persuasion efforts.

I'll reveal each word, and explain why each is so powerful, and exactly how to use it to become more influential and persuasive.

Power Word #1: "As"

The first power word is "as".

One of the dictionary definitions of "as" is a conjunction whereby "as" is used to indicate that something happens during the time when something else is taking place.

When it comes to persuasion, that is inherently powerful.

By using the word "as" to suppose that one thing is happening at the same time as something else, you are suggesting a causal link between those two things.

As you continue reading, this will all become crystal clear.

...Did you see what I did there?

I tied in your ability to understand what I'm teaching with the mere fact that you are reading this post.

One is not in fact directly attributable to the other.

You could, conceivably, continue reading to the end and not understand a word of what was written.

Unlikely, but possible.

Don't worry though, because as soon as I've covered the other three power words, you'll find this is all falling nicely into place for you perhaps even without the need to concentrate too hard on what it all means.

Power Word #2: "And"

Your second power word is "and".

"And" is also a conjunction.

In other words, it's a joining word and you should use it anytime you want to link together more than one thought, and have those thoughts feel related or continuous in some way.

And even though it's a grammatical sin of the highest order, starting sentences with "and" is extremely persuasive as well.


Because it forces continuation of readership.

And it makes people want to keep reading what you've written.

And it helps them to not stop reading.

And I'm sure you get the point.

So by now this is starting to make more sense, and your skills of persuasion are continuing to grow, and you're adding more tools to your influence and persuasion toolbox as you continue to read each line.

Which brings us to...

Power Word #3: "Because"

Because is the single most persuasive word in the English language.



We use it as a stand alone explanation (albeit a poor one).

And... as you begin using "because" much more in your everyday conversations, you'll notice how effective it is at getting people to take the actions you desire.

Because the word "because" provides what we all secretly crave at every turn... A reason why we should care.

That's the true power of "because"... It gives a reason.

It doesn't even have to be an accurate reason, or even an appropriate reason, because it just works.

And as you start using "because", you'll find yourself becoming increasingly interested in your fourth power word...

Power Word #4: "Which Means"

Your fourth power word is actually two words.

And that's okay, because you'll forgive me for that slight faux pas as you begin to understand the power of using "which means"... because it'll make you even more persuasive.

"Which means" remove the need to think about the meaning of what was said.

And that's powerful because people don't like to think!

Using the four power words will make you much more persuasive, which means you'll find it easier to get what you want, people will take you more seriously, and you'll become a more confident communicator.

And as you practice using the four power words you'll find they become second nature to you, which means you're really getting this faster and easier than before, because practice makes perfect.

There you have it... the four power words.

If you've enjoyed this and have your own persuasion boosting tips, please share them with me in the comments. I'd love to chat with you about this in more detail below!


Hi, I'm Nick.

When I was 13 a friend gave me a book on body language, and my obsession with understanding (and influencing) people was born. It's lead me to the heights of entrepreneurial success, the lows of depression, finding and marrying my dream girl, meeting my heroes, travelling the world, writing my book 7 Minute Mindset, smashing most of my life goals before I was 30, and now to writing here on Steemit.

You can find my intro and verification post here.

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