The digital world 🖥🌐

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Photo by Surface from Unsplash


Technology in recent years has evolved significantly, so much so that we can now work, shop and carry out different procedures from home, all of this is made possible by technological progress, which is here to stay. Every day we observe how everything that had not yet entered the digital era has been reinventing itself to evolve and thus go hand in hand with the transformation that is taking place worldwide.

Technological progress is something that we can visualize from any area of our lives and that is why it is up to all human beings to adapt to these changes.

Today we see how applications are generating changes and facilitating procedures that before were only done with physical documents that delayed from communication to transactions between different countries. Today, with just an email or a video call we can streamline procedures that were previously impossible to perform immediately.

This technological advance is not bad as many see it, but we must be objective and make proper use of these resources that give a great change to our life and make it simpler.

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