finer efforts, August 10th


My greatest lamentation this year must be the lack of portraits following the global pandemic's effect on social interaction. Much of social life carries an unspoken burden; thoughts stray from personal hygiene to unchecked bias concerning others. I speak with many across the spectrum. Some insist they should not receive the vaccine out of personal liberty, others implore vaccination so that we may retain it. I myself am simply afraid of the needles and as a result procrastinated my inoculation. However it shakes down, this privileged observer bore witness to it all - but failed to record it. My mother holds an occupation in the healthcare sector, thus, as one might've guessed, I too am a recipient of the preventative measure. One thing modern medicine does not cure or even remedy is the health of relationships between people. Whether my trepidation slows my feet and hushes my voice, the result remains the same. I did not take nearly as many portraits of individuals as I would have liked or have taken in past years. Thus, I renew my campaign. Now, the significance of a meeting increases tenfold so I shall petition subjects with a payment for their time. No, I am not a man of money - yet it's no object - I want to take pictures of folks with that same zeal. Now that I want more control and freedom, two conflicting concepts, I understand I have a greater price to pay. If I want to produce more fine art, I will need to gather my tools and pay the price to hire help. If you are one who enjoys my works on the blockchain, at this time I petition you to vote and share this post, as well as your continued support as I continue to make the temporal permanent.

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