One Year In The Hole

Or, How I spent my First Year On the Steem Blockchain.

The question of the day being: How does it feel to be one year old on Steem?

The short answer being: About like being one year old period. I’m still sorta new and feeling my way around. I do walk fairly well, and take care of my own restroom needs but I spend a stunning amount of time wondering ‘What the hell just happened?’

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You had to know I wasn’t going to let it be with the short answer, didn’t you?

This is my personal 151st post on Steemit. In the words of Led Zeppelin “ Good times, bad times, you know I’ve seen my share..”

I’ve written some good stuff, there are several posts I am very proud of. I’ve written some less than stellar stuff. It’s all about trying for the good stuff all the time but coming up short on some. In the words of a friend “ Good ideas are a dime a dozen. Great ideas are about a buck apiece. Actionable, useable ideas are priceless.” Just like everybody else, some of my ideas are better than others.

I’ve also published 42 posts for Adsactly. Those are different than my personal posts. Every one of them is carefully researched and crafted. I truly do give my very best to people that not only pay me, but who nurture me. I can not say enough about the people I’ve been privileged to work with there.


Which gives me a total of 193 published posts on Steemit. My steel trap mathematical mind says that is an average of about one every other day. I am satisfied with that output, it’s a pace I can sustain and hopefully put out more of the good stuff than the less than stuff.

According to SteemWorld I have made 5200 comments and received almost 4500 replies. I believe that is the number I am most proud of in my time here. Engagement has been the key for me the whole time I have been here. I have also given out 13,267 votes. My only regret is that they weren’t worth more.

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I can’t let this go by without mentioning a couple of other places. Isle of Write was so incredibly instrumental to my early success that I’m not sure I’d be here today if I hadn’t staggered in there at the start. They have the two best editors on the innerwebs and are completely free with their advice and help.

The Steem Engine is a small and tight knit community of incredibly talented writers. Those people casually drop off posts that are just stunning. I’m still not sure how I managed to sneak into that group but the love and support I’ve gotten there is just priceless.

PAL. Aggroed and his happy band (and they ARE a happy band) not only are home to the Minnow Support Project (I can’t explain how much that vote meant to me on every post!) but probably the coolest project on the blockchain in MSP Waves. Plus it seems there is a little game going on that might make it: SteemMonsters. Those guys remind me of the SeaBees in WWII. “The merely difficult we can do right away. The impossible takes slightly longer.” It seems nothing is beyond them.

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Quarator. Simple words just can not explain how important it was to me to be accepted into that body. They have clear standards on the posts they will accept and not every applicant makes it in. I have been fortunate indeed by having not one, but two photographs picked as cover photos (my personal favorite is just above here) but have also been honored as “Shining Quarite of the Week”. I am deeply in their debt.

I’d ask you to notice that I have mentioned almost no individuals here. If I try to list the legion that gives me help and support I will forget more than I will remember and hate myself for the omissions. Hopefully, you know who you are, and please accept my gratitude and thanks without mention. It is simply my way of cutting down on my self loathing.

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So. I promised a year on Steem when I started. I have now fulfilled that promise.

The last question of the day is simple: How do I feel going on here after my promise is completed?

Excited. Energized. I see this coming year as pivotal and enticing for the entire project. I thank you, one and all, for all you have done for me and will try to repay a part of that with what I can help with in the future. Life is good here. I plan to stay!

All words and photographs in this post are mine. For better or worse

The photographs used in this post are a few of my favorites that I used this past year.

You want some really cool stuff? Check these authors, they will not disappoint.

@broncofan99 Sports Teaching Fishing BBQ. Not necessarily in that order.

@morkrock Music Games Stinging Politics. Don't go here with thin skin.

@princessmewmew Food Antiques Food Life Food Cats. Anything of beauty could show up here.

@soyrosa Great Photographs and Insights for us All

@sultnpapper All the truth you can take and then some. The monthly BBQ is worth the price...

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