Happy Saturday, Pepe Community and Future of Pepe on Hive πŸΈπŸ“―πŸŒ 

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Hello, and happy Saturday Pepe Community 🐸🌟. Wishing you a great and prosperous day.

What is the future of Pepe, and the Pepe Community on Hive?

Let me just say that this is the best and most robust growing Community on Hive. There is authentic grassroots growth here in quality content and creator participation using the #pepe.tag and spirit. I see a growing and powerful support.for.thr Pepe Community here, and thus more price support for PEPE as an asset.

I see more gaming support, particularly from Terracore to begin with and Battle Frogs following.

As a huge booster for the community, I encourage everyone to.examime their content and see if they can produce quality content.usimg.tjr #pepe tag.

There's room for everyone here. Let's grow something real.

Feels good man 🐸

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