Happy Pepe Power Up Day- Powered Up 20,000 PEPE Tokens πŸΈπŸΎπŸ’―

Happy Pepe Power Up Day 🐸. Today, I powered up 20,000 PEPE tokens, and am glad I did. These prices are so low, and we are early adopters. I cannot wait to see the Pepe Community grow this Summer.

Check out @pepefeelsgoodman and give the account a follow. It's important to understand how cool Terracore is, and for us to be a part of it. Consider following and adding #pepe to the Terracore content you create. It's has been a great ride, and I need to keep posting and playing Terracore.

Thanks to all who participated in the meme contests and HBI contests as well. You guys are awesome. A special thanks to @pepetoken @kenny-crane and @ironshield for ongoing support that allows these contests to keep going.

Feels good man 🐸🍻. Enjoy your weekend and keep stacking PEPE.

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