Interesting facts about people.

How our planet is huge, a lot of countries and cities on it. But here about people, or rather their nationality, many with their own unique languages, culture and traditions. Some of them seem interesting and sometimes funny, some on the contrary do not raise our approval, but all this interesting facts about people. That is why today we will talk about some interesting facts about people.

So, let's begin. Did you know that ...

  1. The average American office worker in an average year rolls on his chair Colo 13 km, But the Europeans consider it a bad habit to ride in the chair in the office.

  2. The Swiss are the most among the people of Europe love to give bouquets. Every year the average resident of Switzerland buys bouquets for the sum of about 1,000 euros.

  3. Finns have long been known for his passion for saunas. Just imagine, in Finland the number of saunas is around 1.4 million.

  4. Most of all people like milk the people of Ireland. Every year, each inhabitant consumes about 150 litres of milk.

  5. How do you think people most of all loves pasta? Of course, it's the Italians. Every citizen of this country annually consumes about 30 kg of different pasta.

  6. The Jewish nation for understanding of belonging to it, it is important to understand not who the father and who mother. First and foremost, this is due to the long period of occupation of the territory of Israel from the British to the Romans.

  7. In Thailand have implemented the use of the name of the person only in 1913, this man was called only by name.

  8. Alphabet in Thailand is one of the largest based on the number of characters. He has 72 letters. And the first place is the Khmer alphabet.

  9. A well-known gesture, a nod of the head among a lot of people mean agreement, but here's an interesting fact about the people of Bulgaria, India and Greece, here all the way around, and a nod of the head means disagreement.

  10. In Mauritania, in spite of the changed long ago by the canons of the world, there is still slavery. Here is considered quite normal to own people and force them to do the job. The country has about 20% of the population are slaves.

  11. In the UAE the enemy of the local streets are considered to be doves, as they pollute the glass and the mirror surface of the local buildings and streets the waste of their life. To avoid this, in the UAE there was such fun as Falcon hunting pigeons.

  12. In UAE the government can only get in inheritance.

  13. Every man UAE receives an allowance from the state in the amount of $ 2,000.

  14. 1983 for the Vatican was the year during which you were not born a single child.

  15. In Taiwan, there is a practice to invite dancers Striptease at a funeral. Here we decided therefore carry the man on his last journey.

  16. In Cairo is the world's only quarter, which is known as the city of scavengers (Manset-Nasir), there are people who collect garbage from all corners of the city.

  17. The lowest people in the world are Japanese. But the high -Dutch.

  18. In the Western part of China, people instead of sugar in tea, add salt. Here is considered correct to drink tea that way.

  19. 500 on average, each inhabitant of our planet has different color eyes.

  20. You know, where most of the world is born red people? It's Scotland.

  21. Americans are so fond of Pets that are spent to buy feed for them, most of the funds among the people of the world.

  22. More than half the world's population belongs to the 15 nationalities.

  23. The Dutch speak excellent English. Here about 90% of the population speaks English.

  24. In Germany every citizen, on average drink more than 100 litres of mineral water.

  25. Most people who read the world is Iceland, here there are the largest number of books issued per person.

  1. Every average German eats about 90 kg of meat per year.

  2. The largest number of immigrants living in Australia, one in four born in another country.

  3. The most excitable people in the world Australians, here 80% of the population love to gamble.

  4. And You know who are the people most smokes cigarettes? It's definitely Chinese. Just imagine, every year they smoke more than 2 trillion cigarettes.

  5. The most talkative people in the world are Spanish, they can easily approach a stranger to start a conversation with him.

Here are some interesting facts about people. And You learned something interesting?

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