Hatch me if you can! [Original Artwork]

Dear robots,

sometimes life just feels like being a sequence of tasks, one has to attend. Although some of those tasks are fine and funny, I prefer living a self-determined life.

Between tax-declaration, the first day at school of my daughter and my birthday, it's sometimes a bit hard to keep up with posting.

On the other hand, I just discovered this post by @bryan-imhoff, where he writes about doing some daily pencil-artwork in september.

If you follow my blog, you may have noticed my recent love for pencil-art. Although I'm not sure, if I'm willing to post a pencil work every day of september, I'm trying to actually do one every day and then maybe post about my progress every few days.

For now I leave you with that "manga-robot", that I finished about two days ago. Here is a larger view:


Thanks for watching!


P.S.: You can find the pencil-work I did today in the comment section of this post by @mikkolyytinen. If you want to win one of his oil paintings, you should also consider drawing something for him.
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