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Open Letter to Corey Feldman

Hey there, Corey,

you have been my hero during my youth. You are three years older than me, so "The bad new bears" was one of my favourite series in the late 70ties. I totally loved the "Goonies" and you were my personal hero in "Lost Boys". You've been just amazing in "Stand by Me".

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It was heartbreaking to learn about you and Corey Haim becoming "Lost Boys" in reality. I believed you when you first spoke about it. I tried to understand the motives why you did not say out loud the names. You said it was because of fear for your life.

Well... that's quite a motive.


... if you continue saying that you know SOMETHING and the ones involved KNOW you will say something, then isn't that just like poking in a hornets nest? Isn't it much more dangerous continuing threatening to say something, instead of coming out instantly? Isn't it just wrong to let more young boys like you've been one stay in danger and become "lost boys" as well?

After the Weinstein scandal opened up several walls and cracked the fassade of the Hollywood glamour Horrorhouse, I really believe that it is time to tear down the walls completely and unmask the predators for what they really are.

You can now become the REAL hero for saving so many young children dreaming of a hollywood career. (You could have done it quite sooner, at a much bigger risk than today)
I just learned about your film project, the crowd funding of 10 million dollars...
you say thats for the law costs and for a film that you are planning about the subject.


I believe that it will free a lot of money (investor money) if this hellwhole we used to call the dream factory (and now call the "nightmare factory") is destroyed.


do it now!

We will believe you. Make your film later. There is no need to wait for another year! NOW is the time more people will believe. If you wait any longer, than the time window may be too short.

If someone will donate directly, here is the link:

Truth Campaign

Please Corey, save those children FAST!

THX for reading,
Thx for voting ( 100% of this reward will go to the fund, even if this is probably too late)

