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Nonviolent Resistance Shown To Be More Effective

Bullying the community with physical violence isn't the way to win hearts and minds to support any cause.

When individuals are using physical violence to terrorize others, as an expression of their anger because of current circumstances they are facing, it can easily turn into actions that are harmful, unjust, and counterproductive to the cause.

Is burning things to the ground going to foster a dialogue for change?

There are many people who have been working tirelessly behind the scenes for years, getting little to no recognition for their efforts, trying to build relationships between their communities and law enforcement. As well, there are others who have been working on one project or another, pursuing change within the justice system.

When these sorts of mass riots take place, and there is so much unnecessary and mismanaged destruction of the community, I feel like it sets those efforts that others have made to foster peace backwards, and it only makes things worse.

Those inciting the violence always feel justified, they feel like they have no other option.

Well, if you just wouldn't have pushed that individual to their limit, if you just didn't put them in the circumstances they are in then they wouldn't 'need' to use violence.

Violence isn't likely going to be able to change things for the better, there is always unintended blow-back that can come about because of it. Using violence is not an intelligent or effective solution to resort to in many circumstances.

Peaceful Resistance with Nonviolence

Nonviolent resistance is powerful.

That resistance can take many forms, be it boycotts, or protests, any sort of non-cooperation to show your discontent. Letters and phone calls to authority figures, educational campaigns, movements to end contracts and pull financial support from those who you want to see change from etc.

Winning With Peace

Previous investigations on the history of protests and political movements over time, that have sought to liberate one territory or another, to overthrow a government or seek some sort of political change etc, have been found to be at least 2x as likely to succeed if they are nonviolent.

More people in the community can participate in peaceful non-cooperation, but not everyone is willing to or able to participate in physical retaliation against their community over an injustice, nor should they seek to do that. For multiple reasons, staying peaceful is the best approach to take.

Small push for change

You don't need much of the population to support the cause either in order to see such change, studies have shown that if you get about 4 percent that this could be enough to foster true change from the inside for certain causes.

I would be cautious of anyone who inspires others to be violent against the property of others, no matter the cause. Not only is nonviolent protest arguably more just, it's also more effective.
