Where it begun

Hello folks! This is the story on how I entered the crypto world.

It all started in October 2017 when bitcoin is just starting its bull run. In my country then, it was just treated as nothing but a novelty. Back then, although alt coins were already slowly proliferating in our society especially in casinos and trading centers, it was never fully accepted in the mainstream because of the general perception that anything that you "bought" or see only in the internet has the possibility of being nothing but that- a picture.

But what changed my perception really was that at those times, I had just gone through a difficult year and, I was still trying to recover. Needless to say that 99% of the time then, I was thinking only of nothing but plotting on how to take revenge on that person.

Of course, it did not really end up like the cases in the darknet where someone would hire anyone in order to assassinate their enemies. I just wanted to earn something and prove to that creature that I could earn and at that time, BTC seems to be the logical way of doing so.

In my naivety, I got into this site that would "mine" btc in my browser. I was pretty excited for a couple of weeks until its time to withdraw my money and, it asked me to deposit 0.003 btc on a said wallet in order to facilitate my withdrawal. But, I did not do such a thing.

In between waiting for my earning to reach the withdrawal amount, I did my research and, that's when I discovered the word PONZI. There was even a site that would confirm if this or that is ponzi or not. The moment it sent me a message that I needed to deposit in order to withdraw my earnings(usually, the mining companies would just deduct the mining price from the profit itself before transferring to the user's personal wallet)- I walked away. LITERALLY and blocked that site from my browser or any device I own.

After that incident, I decided to push through the crypto world because I saw a lot of potentials in this technology. Furthermore, it became my life goal to educate myself with it in whatever way I could so the whole PONZI scam will never be repeated. Aside from that, I just got this idea that the way I'd do it is that, I will never invest in the currency. Everything that I will be investing back is something that I earned either by mining, faucet claims, doing simple tasks like answering questions and now, blogging.

It worked. But, it was never an easy journey.

Even when I am busy making a content in our community, sometimes, I would switch on my auto faucets. Of course, I did finally invested in some mining rig but, it does not really yield a lot and, all I can say was that, at least, I did not invest anything.

So, why am I even sharing my story? Because I believe that a lot of people out there are just stumbling in this crypto world without any clear idea on what they're getting into. They would cry that they had been "cheated" because the return investment is smaller than the initial one. They will claim that they had been conned because they were motivated solely by profit without knowing the exact detail on how things work. Sometimes, they will even go as far as say that their wallets had been "hacked" but, how can't their wallets be hacked if their passwords are so easy to guess and, they would just place all their alt coins in one basket- so to speak.

Cryptocurrency trading, mining and whatever is related to it is hard work. Even when you think that you are about to make a small fortune out of your coins, crazy things happen like its sudden bearish run or, small, simple things like forgetting your passwords( IT HAPPENED A LOT TO ME). So all I can say is that, while the crypto world might be a fun place and, a novelty experience for everyone, keep in mind that there's a bigger world out there. Immersing yourself in this world is not a get rich immediately gig even if you do have a lot of alt coins. Just like traditional stocks and businesses, it needed to be nourished.

I will not also hide to anyone that the first thing that I did after my account was activated was read the steemit whitepaper. Its not that I wanted to see if I could create loopholes or whatever but, I wanted to make sure that I know what I am getting into. I also keep my head up on anything- even vague reference to the cryptoworld because, as I have been saying before, we can never accurately predict the future.

Its so amazing that from someone who had no technical computer background and is completely ignorant in this world, I would have this "confidence" to at least hold my side for awhile. But I guess, this is the result of all the investments I put on this world. So, if anyone else thinks that they are not investing enough in steemit because they are not "purchasing" steem or steem power, I do want to knock up some reality in you: when you comment, upvote, re steem , create content or vaguely participate, you are adding value to our world.Sure, it will not initially get you any attention or even income but as you go through the journey, you'll learn and meet people.

Today, though I understand terms like "hardfork" or "bearish" or "bullish run," I want to think of myself as someone who is in a journey. Everything is always changing and, I am always in the process of learning and discovering new things.

@intellihandling @crypto.piotr @blockshine

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