Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 12 - Win SBI & Steem Bounty : My Entry

I am already too late it seems and most probably this might be the last entry in this week's Pay It Forward contest. One thing I really looks forward to steemit for last few weeks are @pifc and its associated activities going on. So let me first use this space to congratulate and applaud the great personalities working behind this namely @thedarkhorse who run the contest, to @energyaddict22, @lynncoyle1, @wolfhart and @tryskele who are the judges and to @andrewharland @bengy @dynamicgreentk @el-nailul @kaliju @thehoneys.

Frankly speaking, selecting two nominees now a days is little hard, especially the purpose of this exercise is to provide relatively new steemeines a well deserved motivation by providing a chance to introduce them to some of the great personality who really cares about the growth of this platform and we dont know exactly how much this nomination and selection serves the purpose.

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And from this week I decided one of my nomination to be a perfect newbie selected only on the basis of their " Introduce my self" post and the other one may be slightly experience with a higher RP and lets see how they performs.

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And here are my entries.

1. @mando82


She have only two posts on her page and what made it look special is quoted below.

Little by little those hours of collaboration were filling my space to such an extent that to this day for more than 10 years I have dedicated myself to providing integral assistance to children and adolescents with the support of people dedicated to the cause, volunteer personnel , civil society, local community

Honestly I am not sure how she came to Steemit and how deep her knowledge on it but the way the introduction post is drafted, it looks like with a purpose and here is the post link

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2. @kimberlylane

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@kimberlylane looks like a hard working personality here with more than a thousand post since joined here since February this year - like a super fast train. But the blog contains a variety of stuffs touching many topics. Looks like a great writer who have the ability to write instant free write as and when it is required.

I came across one of the post named "The Painter" which I really loved the way it is written but I nominate a latest ipost that written about a topic that we all are familiar with "Discord Dodges and Dogs". Click here for the link.

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Featured Blogger: @voronwe

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This is some sort of an appreciation or gratitude that I can show to @voronwe as he was one who is trying to make many steemiens blog colorful. He is a Gif specalist or he is the who provided me colorful footers free of cost. Refer this link for some animated Gifs and other graphic stuffs. And also check my footer.


Those who want to know more about this contest and for joining, @thedarkhorse is running this contest and @pifc will be the next host for the upcoming weeks. Read more information on this link Pay It Forward Curation Contest-Week 12 and all you have to do is ;

  1. Curation Style Post of 2 Bloggers who are posting Quality Original Content
  2. Link to 1 recent blog post per featured blogger. Keep in mind that many will follow this link and upvote so pick a post that isn't close to payout!
  3. Include a link to this contest in your entry post
  4. The 2 bloggers you curate Must Be Rank 50 or Lower!
  5. You need to comment on this post with a link to your post, this is how @thedarkhorse tracks everything!
Don't forget to follow this rules too
Clarification for Quality Required for valid Entry

We are looking for Quality Original Content. We want to see no less then 200 words of original written content. So a single photo is fine as long as there is 200 words with it.

And with this I am signing off from this post and Thanks for reading...


Try participating in the initiative by @wolfhart - "TAKE UP A CHALLENGE TO IMPROVE YOUR POSTINGS". where I decided to spend an hour in steemit with dedication. Refer this if you would like to know. The rules in a nut shell

TAG: #anhouraday
It is pretty easy really.

  1. Spend at least one hour every day developing and posting content.
  2. Time yourself if you must
  3. Do it attentively, try
  4. Do not shitpost, create
  5. Pay attention to yourself
  6. Do it regardless of whether you feel like it
  7. No excuse


I also being proud to be part of #ccc by @freedomshift

Curation Circle Creed - a Proposal to Help Newbies to Start Earning His / Her Full Share on Day One!

I will only post original contents (not counting graphics or external links) on steemit or busy only.

I will clearly and properly source references, text and other media, abiding by copy rights.

I will respect other people's opinion, nationality, religious belief, language, and culture.


Best Regards

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