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3 Effective Tips to Changing Life

Several years ago, I read this sentence by Tiziano Terzani: I would like my message to be a hymn to diversity, to the possibility of being what you want. So, do you understand? It is feasible, feasible for everyone. What is feasible? Making a life. A true life, a life in which you are yours. A life in which you recognize yourself.
I thought about that and then decided that I too would like to change my life, live a life in which I will be able to recognize myself, arrive at my last day of life and look back and say:"Wow, I lived the fantastic life that I wanted and not as others wanted for me".
Too many people study something he doesn't like, just because parents want them to become doctors, lawyers, dentists, professors. Too many people are trapped in jobs that he does not like in their lives in which they do not recognize themselves.

But what can you do in practice?

Here are 3 simple steps to begin with:

#1 Develop your passions.

I know that you have a burning passion for something and I'm sure you have extraordinary talents. You probably have dreams, projects and ideas of what you want to do and realize that you put them aside. This is the right time to bring them out!
We are all born with talents and passions that, if developed, bring value to our lives and to those of others. The problem arises when we stop following our intuition and our inner voice to conform to what society wants. But think about it, people like Steven Jobs, John Lennon, Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci and Mozart have some characteristics in common. The first is this: they loved what they did. They are people who have succeeded in transforming their passion into their work, which is why they have been extraordinary.
Here are some questions from ports to find your passion:

  • If you have it all afternoon free, how do you spend it?
  • What are the activities that you like most of all?
  • What is your greatest passion?
  • What are your talents?
  • What work would you do for free throughout your life?

2 Transform it into capacity:

Develop your passions, read as many books as you can on the subject. Attend courses and seminars. Identify the people who are at the top of the field in which you want to engage and try to make your own strategies and their way of thinking. Learn from them the "tricks of the trade" and start thinking, talking and acting like people who have already achieved the results you want to achieve. Become so good to make your work become your skills. To do it you need: practice, practice and practice.

#3 Offer it to the world:

Now the real secret to being happy and changing life is to offer the world your talent, to share your knowledge and to give. Write a book, create DVDs and videos, create a course where you talk about your passion. Open a website or blog. Find other people with the same interest and create a team. Advise and enhance your passion by enriching your life and that of others. You are born unique, not to die as photocopy.

PS: Sometimes we are confused in starting and we don't know where to start that's why to fully understand the situation in which you are at this moment and make the best decision, you have to pause your mind for a moment and try to listen to what your sixth sense suggests to you. The inner voice that comes from the deep and is not conditioned by external stimuli.
