If later we find deficiencies in our partners, remember! That he is not a perfect creature


Remember, there is no perfect person in the world, so as perfect as anyone who has become our partner, still he will have shortcomings, because perfection belongs only to Allah.

So If later we find deficiencies in our partners, remember! That he is not a perfect creature, and the same as we who have a deficiency in ourselves.

So like any deficiencies that exist in our partner, control the heart not to complain about it, especially until the complaint is heard to others. Do not!

Because after all the disgrace of our spouse is our disgrace too, that's why the wife or husband is said to be like clothes, then what is the function of clothes? That is to cover the gap.

And when there are those of us who ask, are there any tips so that the heart is more free of the lack of partners?

There is, that is, by continuing to remember and realize that he (our partner) is not a perfect being, where mistakes and shortcomings must be in him.

One more thing we must remember is not to complain easily about our partner's shortcomings, namely by continuing to realize that we also have shortcomings, because perfection belongs only to God.

So do not let us to selfishness invites to play lust, so that whenever we never forget ourselves.

Soften your heart and wet your heart every time with him with gratitude. In essence, accept with sincerity, so that when we appear there is a shortage in the eyes, softly he understands us.

Because if we sincerely accept everything that is in our partner, then God willing, the same attitude he will do to us.

So be patient, continue to aim your heart with a sense of patience, sincerity, and mutual acceptance, because a strong relationship is created not because the two partners are very perfect with all the advantages.

But because both are able to realize each other's weaknesses and strengths.

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