Partiko Mascot Design Contest | 50 SBD Prize Pool

I am happy to announce that Partiko and I are going to co-organise Partiko Mascot Design Contest! Partiko is a cool and user-friendly mobile app based on the Steem blockchain and please remember to download Partiko if you wish to join this contest. Let’s design a lovely mascot for Partiko. Thanks for Partiko’s sponsorship for the contest. Let’s have some fun and show our creativity!

Let me announce the details regarding the prizes and rules here:

1st Prize: 15 SBD

2nd Prize: 12 SBD

3rd Prize: 8 SBD

Merit Prizes x 5: 3 SBD


  • Writ a new post about your entry and the drawing process

  • You can submit multiple entries but only ONE will be eligible for winning the prizes

  • The entry post MUST BE posted with Partiko, please remember to download Partiko app if you still don’t have it on your phone

  • One of the tag MUST BE #partiko-contest for your entry post

  • Reply to this post to submit your entry

  • Your drawing must include your own Steemit id to prove that it’s your original work

  • Drawings are not limited to: sketch, color pencil, watercolor, oil painting, ink painting, computer drawing

  • The deadline of submission is October 10

  • Partiko logo must appear on the Mascot

  • The winners will be selected by @partiko

Besides the above prizes, we have also received more support for the entries from our friends and community. Don’t forget to take a look at our current sponsors and supporters. You may also become one of them if you wish.

Look forward to see your design :)


第一名: 15 SBD

第二名: 12 SBD

第三名: 8 SBD

優異奬 x 5: 3 SBD


  • 寫一個新的帖子描述繪畫過程
  • 你可以提交多個參賽作品但只有一個能獲奬。
  • 參賽帖子需由Partiko App發出
  • 回覆這帖子來提交你的參賽作品
  • 參賽帖子需要使用 #partiko-contest標簽(該標簽不需要放在第一位)
  • 參賽作品上需要清楚顯示你的Steemit id
  • 繪畫形式不限於:素描,彩色鉛筆,水彩畫,油畫,油畫,電腦繪畫。
  • 吉祥物身上需有清晰可見的Partiko Logo
  • 提交作品的截止日期為十月十日。
  • 勝出者將會由 @partiko選出
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