Parents love

Outside there is much much harder work, which the parents do to support their children. As a child have we asked them what they feel? How are you doing today? Are you tired? Father and Mother have eaten? Maybe it can be a little relief them. And as if being reminded then, have I called them today?

In all times, who is worthy of an appreciation for infinite love? And with what love can it be paid? I asked myself.

My heart replied, Father and Mother, you are the one I want to give a gift, even though it is not worth what you give me. I want to hug you and express your gratitude for the unusual struggles and love you give. You are the owner of sincere affection, and the best motivator of my life.

I always pray that you and your mother are given health and long life. I ask in my prayer to be given a chance to make you happy. Father and mother! No words can express how grateful I am to have you guys who love me unconditionally.

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