Secrets to Happy Family


Don’t just wait for festiva​ls, celebrate every moment with your family

You can only share what you have. If you want your family to be happy and harmonious, you need to be happy and at peace first.Learn the secret to be THAT source of happiness through special, powerful breathing techniques and practical wisdom at the Art of Living course.

Let go of your emotions, not your love

When faced with storms of emotions, we end up uttering words or taking actions that we regret later. This is because, neither at school nor at home we have been taught how to handle anger, sorrow or any negative emotion. For every rhythm in the mind, there is a corresponding rhythm in the breath. So, when you cannot handle your mind directly, through the breath you can handle the mind.When we understand the power of the breath, we can have a say over our thoughts and our feelings. We can let go of anger and negative moods at our will. In fact, the frequency of anger and stress reduces tremendously. Your ability to accept situations increases. Instead of reacting impulsively, you get the ability to respond to situations and take a rational action.For love to stay fresh life-long, you need to go beyond the initial attraction and the ever changing emotions. No matter whatever emotions come and go, get the ability to relish your life with your loved one.

Bridge communication gaps

“uff… I really did not mean to say that, why don’t you understand?…”Stress creates a definite gap between your thoughts, words and actions.Only when the mind is free from stress, you have the clarity of perception, your words become clearer and the actions are gentle.

Express the inexpressible better

Just like a seed does not germinate if you scatter it on the surface nor if you bury it too deep - it needs to be sown a little beneath the soil so that it can sprout and become a plant.In the same way, expression of love needs moderation and meditation makes this happen effortlessly.The techniques taught in the art of living course help you relax and de-stress, become more aware and sensitive towards others in the family, there by making it easier for you to express yourself better and the other person gets exactly what you want them to understand.Take your step to bring in waves of peace, love and happiness at home... 

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