The joy of parenthood


When we are given children by God in the family, of course we hope that they behave well. To achieve that dream, we will try to be a good example for our children or become a good role model teacher. We as parents must also encourage our children to be close to God because he is the most just.

Why do I say we must be close to God? Because he is the one who gives us health to worship Him and we will also make our affairs easier if we are close to God. Not only that, but there are lots of influences such as we are gentle with our parents because we have knowledge of how to treat our own parents.

And how to educate children to be good is not an easy thing, there are challenges that we will go through, for example the division of time between us working and caring for children, because their interactions today are quite different from what we used to be. And many parents now educate their children by pampering them and giving them cellphones at that time, this is a form of educating children that is wrong.


Our success in educating children will be evident through the manners of our children later. Our children who have good manners will indirectly bring joy to us later.

What does this joy drive them to do for their children and to what extent are they ready to carry out their responsibilities towards their children?

After we are born into the world, children all depend on their parents to protect and meet their needs every day. This does not only apply in Indonesia but the whole world feels something like that. And parents also have a duty to look after their children because they are their flesh and blood. The most important obligations for parents are caring for children, nurturing, protecting, growing children's development according to their abilities such as talent, preventing children from approaching adultery and finally providing education or character and full affection.

Does this excitement increase as the child grows? What can add to the joy that parents experience?
The role of parents is very central, of course parents must be role models for children in everyday life. We as parents must be brave in taking an attitude, courage, belief in educating our children because it will be a charity for them. So that these values ​​can lead children to be better, caring, sincere and responsible for their faith and useful for the local community.


Do you want to be a parent or are you already one? Did you expect the same joy or have you already experienced the joy of parenthood?
Being a parent is not always right in the process of teaching children. In fact, we often fall up and down in silence when we take the wrong step in educating him. But we also always try our best for him and explain to the children that their parents are not always right and wrong. So that in the sense of the words sorry, thank you, please and some manners. Which of course when we become parents we have to admit mistakes when we make mistakes and dare to be open mic but direct them.

And we as parents must also be a place for our children to vent or friends when they need it, to be a backrest, advice and a place to be spoiled with warm hugs. Because the love of parents has no limit, we will not even be able to repay the services of both parents.

What happiness wishes do you want as a parent for your child later?
As a parent, you definitely have hope for your children to become someone who is successful and can change the fate of their parents. Because if I personally have to be more than my parents, for example, from the income or work of our parents, for example, because we as children must have goals that we want to achieve to make both parents happy.

And parents also never ask us to repay their services, but our parents want children to be further successful than their parents and be able to help their younger siblings who are still in school or college and we as children must understand how to make parents happy. even in a simple way because our happiness is the happiness of our parents too. And I also always remind myself of my mother's words, namely "no matter how difficult the problems we face, continue to be patient in dealing with them, because patience is the key to our success in dealing with problems or obstacles and will be easily resolved.


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