First time using Procreate and it is fun

So i purchased procreate because i only heard good things about it and i wanted to try it.

Well, i have to agree!

It is pretty easy to use and so much fun to just play around.
When i was doing paintings or animated GIFs i usually did it with GIMP which i also really like. But it was so much more afford especially if you just do it occasionally. I still love GIMP but this program is really really good and worth the 10 bugs.


I never posted a GIF on Hive so i hope it works :)


Yea, it is a bit shabby but i just started using this Programm and had this done in just an hour or so. So if you don’t like it, maybe the next one is better for you?


I wish i had more time to just do this kind of stuff... it is so fun!

I hope you like it

Have a nice evening

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