A Change of Season


Leaves are changing to crimson, burnt orange, bright yellows and mellow browns. The fall people in my life are oozing social media posts on pumpkin spice, sweaters, Halloween and knit wear and here I sit on my side of the computer screen praying for more sunny days with temperatures over 75F.

Seriously. Keep your pumpkin candles, pumpkin lattes, and burning leaves out of my face. My dream is watching more ocean sunsets, not trying to find my gloves stashed all over the house. I need five or six pair of gloves per winter since I have circulation issues thanks to the years of beta blockers and Imitrex for migraine treatment.

Today started at 46 degrees. I broke down and turned the furnace on. It was both damp and cold. The hardest part of the coming winter is the perpetual darkness and gloom. The days are shorter and shorter until you begin work while it's dark and soon after quitting time it is already dusk.

I'm trying to figure out how we can squeeze a mini-vacation in somewhere during the dark months of Winter 2021-2022.

How do you handle the change of seasons? Do you live in a place that seasons don't change? I'm interested in hearing your thoughts.

Photo taken on Samsung Galaxy Note10 Plus

This is my five minute freewrite using prompt: knit wear hosted by @mariannewest.

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Please find me there ❤

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