Splinterlands Rewards | Steem in Green

Peace Steemians,

Splinterlands rank progression at the beginning of this season is very slow. However the players team in the battle are very informative as we learn a lot of new type of combination. The competition is not so heavy in silver league. Players must evolve theirs cards level in order to achieve high rank level then powerful rewards monsters in their pack.





Silver Rank

We entered the silver rank in splinterlands. The rules of battle in this league are very simple. The serious problem is the opponent rank level that some times is to disproportional compare to player rank. In this situation we face monsters from diverse teams with higher experience and more deadly abilities. The mana in most battle are below 25 and selection for battle in silver league may be confusing. The count down offers more time in this league to proceed to the right selection of cards. It is definitely worth it to acquire more summoners as the cards of our pack get stronger in league. The competition is very high to reach gold league. Our target for this season may be tempered by the summoners high price on the markets. Their utility is need by all the player in the game so the price will only go up in time. Hope to be able to earn more of common summoner cards soon.




Steem Tokens in The Green

Steem is in the green area today. We can only wish for this position of the price to keep rising. These prices of tokens on the market are green for very few cryptocurrencies of my favorite list on coingecko. Steem is around 1745 satoshi. The hardfork 21 on steemblock chain is coming and many discussions about its effects on the content creators side or the curators side are organized on the platform. In my case I think that hardfork 21 will provide new opportunities as all the previous ones did on the blockchain. The SMT project is greatly expected even though the bear market is still affecting all the community. The development of steem dApps are incredible especially for most of field of web entertainment. Our future goals are for the massive adoption. It will surely happen as the stakeholder on the platform power up and support the current project on steem blockchain. In addition, steemit won the noonies as social network of the year. Congratulation to all steemians. We have all the best smart contract on steem and much more will be offers to the community very soon.






The market volatility must be taken into consideration in all our analyses. The external factors also play a significant role in the change of trend on all the crypto currencies chart.

My personal opinions are shared on this article. Therefore, I invite my audience to conduct detailed personal researches on the topic before taking any actions.

Splinterlands game is offoring to level up your pack cards through the process of purchase with DEC your favorite cards on the intern market. This season begin with my rank lower than expected in silver league. As member of the Alliance Guild we have more members joining each season. If you are a player splinterland check the alliance guild and make the right choice.

Thanks for stopping by this post.



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