For the alienated fathers

I’m going to start this off by saying this post is not meant for those who abandoned their children, never supported them, hurt them, or come and go in and out of their lives whenever they need a place to stay. This is not for those of the male gender who used their fists as tools to subjugate the woman who recognized she deserved better and tried to leave. This is not for those who are little more than sperm donors and want to use the word FATHER because one of their offspring found them through a DNA test. This is not for those who adopted children of a minority race to show off the wealth and disposed of them when the token status wore off or they began to fight back.

Last but not least: This post is definitely not for those who decided to take a pill or have an operation to be able to call themselves a father. If race appropriation is wrong then so is gender appropriation.

Hi dad.

You went to work. You made the money. You came home to find bank accounts empty and a refrigerator full of condiments. You were made to feel less than a man because the money you made that was four times your expenses susdenly didn’t provide food for the kids. So you took on more hours. A second and third job. Whereas before you worked 12 hours a day 6 days a week, you now worked 16-18 hours every day. To feed the family you had no choice but to work more, sacrificing time with your kids. The exception being graduations or school events where you were in complete shock that your daughter had suddenly hit puberty though you don’t remember her past 9 years old. When you are able to be home for those 4 hours of sleep between your shifts there is hostility and anger and a list a mile long of things you are expected to do. You’re called a bad father, lazy and then finally accused of cheating. Even with the second and third job or working 80 hours a week, for some reason the bank account is always empty. Nobody will claim the purchases made though you know it couldn’t have been you because you were at work. The relationship hits a critical point and in this instance some men take their own lives, which unleashes a flurry of social media posts of a “poor single mother” begging for, first and foremost, financial assistance and of course openly accepting the deepest condolences from any and all women who also happen to not have a man in the house. Others leave and are vilified and publicly shamed. Jobs are lost over the perceived conception that he is a bad man. A small percentage end amicably. But in the end the man always loses. He loses his house, his things, his money, his car, his job. And worst of all, his children.

Being a man in today’s workforce is extremely complicated and risky. One cannot so much as acknowledge or ignore a female coworker. At times there are women who make advances that would be a criminal offense were a man to do it, and she either did not want it or decided that she regretted her actions later. One cannot reject or ignore unwanted advances. One cannot accept them. One cannot even think of accepting or rejecting.
To do so is considered bullying, shaming or “leading on.” It is a no-win situation. And it is accepted.

The aftermath is meant to hurt the father. The system is designed to hurt the father. Society is trained to reject the father. The courts give no consideration to whether or not giving the woman a ridiculous percentage of a man’s income is just or even possible, regardless of why the relationship failed, or in some cases where the man is deceived into signing a birth certificate for a child which the woman knows is not his. I know several men who live in their cars and sneak to the chemical showers at work because they live on pocket change for exactly this reason.

So now you live in your car. Your parent’s house. A tent. An RV. A friend’s house. You’re employed and responsible but society looks down on you even more for doing what it takes to survive. You sleep at a truck stop or in megastore parking lots, meaning you must wake yourself and move every few hours to avoid being harassed by police. You are labeled a bum and assumed to be a drug addict or alcoholic for doing what it takes to survive.

You work a lot of hours as do I. Living as we do, we are not able to see our children as much as we would like. Society has extreme contempt for us and we are expected to work every shift and are given no days off to see our children. This is even more prevalent when the manager is a female. The mother is the gateway of communication between the father and the children, so the questions about where is the father are directed to the mother who then tells them that he doesn’t love them or he spending them with another woman and her kids. Our children are poisoned against us and society does not see that as a wrong and continues to blame us for the lies told, the excuse being the existence of a small percentage of actual bad fathers.

On Mother’s Day the workplace is noticeably devoid of most females. Some of them don’t even have children yet are given the day off with no questions asked. Today; fathers are working because we don’t have any other choice. There is no consideration for us. Tomorrow society will hit us with the double standard. Today, social media is full of women boldly congratulating themselves for their failed relationships. Many of these posts from those who also openly brag about the alienation they create.

Whatever your story is, I see you. I understand you.

Now cue the horde of insufferable feminists and “woke” beta male apologists.

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