More Great Shows to Watch: WAYNE and Living With Yourself


After watching the awesome show Cobra Kai on YouTube, I decided to see what else the streaming service offered. I quickly stumbled upon a show called WAYNE.

Platform: YouTube
Category: Comedy, Drama, Action

I don't know how many of you actually "listen" to my TV show ramblings or even watch what I recommend, but if you suspect that we have similar taste in entertainment...add this to the list!

Be forewarned: plenty of language and violence (from the writers of Deadpool). But also lots of HEART. It's funny and touching and over the top. It's straight up cool. I highly recommend it.


The more episodes you watch, the more layers of depth are revealed. Besides the show being a fun ride, Wayne is a character you will fall in love with.

Stop what you're doing and go watch it.

Bonus show: Living With Yourself
Platform: Netflix
Category: Comedy, Drama, Quirky

My wife chose this show. It just premiered on Netflix recently, and I'm glad she had us watch it. We've only watched like 3 episodes, and boy this show is weird. But captivating and entertaining.

I don't want to spoil it, but just know that the series begins with Paul Rudd (Ant-Man) digging himself out of the ground and running off in a diaper.


Each episode is only 20something minutes long. And I think there's only 8 episodes in the first season. So you can probably binge the whole thing in one sitting if you really wanted.

It's funny, cuz I've written several posts about TV shows in the past. Truth be told, I don't actually watch that much TV, haha! But my wife and I (and sometimes the kids) do like having a quality show on standby whenever we feel like taking a break on the sofa.

Let me know if you end up watching either show. I'd love to hear what you think!

Disclaimer: None of the images above are my own. Wayne imagery is owned by YouTube, and Living With Yourself imagery is owned by Netflix.


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