Are you a negative Nelly or a positive Peter?


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Have you ever really thought about the laws of attraction?


Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. It is believed that regardless of age, nationality or  religious belief......We are ALL susceptible to the laws of the Universe. This law uses mind-power to translate whatever is in our thoughts and then materialize it into reality.  

Your thoughts create your reality....

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In short, when you focus on the negative things in your life, there will always be a dark cloud hanging over your head, but if you focus on positive things, and aim to achieve your goals,  you will find a way to achieve them

The laws of Attraction tells us, that whatever we can imagine is achievable, and if you take the necessary action you can achieve anything and be where you want to be.  

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Have you ever had a conversation with a negative person?

Sure, we all have.  There is always a Negative Nelly somewhere, that is absolutely negative about everything and anything.  We tend to spend more time with negative people trying to make them more positive but we should spend less time with them because negativity rubs off.   Negative energy will affect you negatively


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I have had my own fair share of negativity in my life,  and I can tell you for sure that it rubs off.  ONE negative thing lead to another and so on....and I decided that enough is enough.  I have a negative cloud hanging over me and the only way to get rid of this feeling is to turn these negative thoughts into positive thoughts.  I have had it.  Enough of all the negativity and in with the positive.  

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How to become a positive Peter

  • Change your mindset.  We don't see things as THEY are.  We see things as WE are. 
  • Try and improve your outlook on life.  Be more optimistic. 
  • Start every day with a new fresh outlook and make each day as positive as possible.  The more positive you think, the more positive your outlook will be. The more positive you will feel. 
  • Over time your positive thinking will become part of your life. 
  •  If you are in a situation, try and always see the positive instead of the negative.  Never let the negativity win. 
  • Do not spend time with any negative people.  If someone can in any way influence you negatively.  Get out of there!  

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Take it day by day and make the change.  I just did. 

I think, therefore I am.....♥♥    


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