History - 9/16/21

Sleep schedule is weird as heck right now but I'm doing better and feeling rested.

I found myself watching YouTube videos about the history of countries and it's been kind of amazing, even inspiring in some ways.

I've watched like the history of England, Germany, some Iceland. I'm in the middle of Ireland at the moment and man it's just been super fun.

I grasp what I can grasp the documentaries are like an hour and sometimes several parts. I would absolutely love to do deeper history dives and just really strengthen my history knowledge. I definitely don't believe all of what history tells me as of course not every bit of history is accurate for a multitude of reasons.

But still, to have a strong base of knowledge of the mainstream traditional history I think is valuable and cool. I also enjoy the fact that the videos include maps and whatnot because I also very much like geography.

There's several reasons I like learning history. I could rant about that forever. There's a lot of value in my opinion.

But two main reasons for my interest is because well, I would love to write a book series one day. I think that having a rich, deep, knowledge of history can really help me write an awesome story one day. I don't know but learning this stuff just helps my creative juices flow it's so hard to explain but it's exciting.

The other reason is sort of odd I guess. But I'm currently learning about Ireland and MAN Ireland is super interesting. I don't know enough yet specifically about their history to explain it well but I have a reason in mind.

One of my favorite authors ever is Darren Shanand he is is an Irish author. Darren writes about fantasy I'm pretty sure 99 percent of the time of not 100. I'm pretty aware that many of his writings have got some Irish roots or influence especially his Demonata series. I need to read more of his recent writings!!!!

Ugh I miss reading.

Now that I think of it Eoin Colfer is another Irish author I love reading.

But anyways, learning more about the Irish history and a bit about their culture just makes these Irish authors' books that much more fascinating and inspiring for me.

Learning about all of this just gets me excited.

What better way to learn to become a better story teller than to learn about real life stories of the world and it's countries.

I plan on learning more of history and perhaps read some more books that I haven't done in years.

Book review posts too, why not?

One day sooner than later I would love to write a fantasy series. No rush though, not yet....

Hive on folks.

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