
Spent the day kinda doing nothing, sorta sad about random crap. My son, my financial situation, life, I'm a depressed mofo sometimes. But I'm not broke completely HA. Getting more hours today though, so my check will be that much nicer. Working on a Saturday, so I have to go in there focused, and with energy. Getting lots of rest. It's so great I don't have to walk as much anymore.

Apparently my grandparents are coming down from Connecticut, as well as my Aunt. It's pretty awkward at times when they're here, but it's good to see them. Maybe a pain in the ass but still family.

Been having some insane dreams lately, just chaos. Not scary, maybe at times a little. But some good moments too. Just intense dreams. Felt like a collage of events mashed together.

This Matt and Shane podcast just keeps getting better. I found ALL of their podcasts and I'm pumped about it. Binge watching a TV show? Nah, how about 5 years of a weekly podcast? Gonna be trippy no doubt.


But yeah. I did make one post at least on my other account.

This podcast blows my mind, makes me wanna go harder at writing. Hive on folks.

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