Nature Has Such a Fine Hand at Sculpting

When it comes to the artistic beauty of nature, it surely remains unsurpassed, whether it is in the serenity of a magnificent landscape or the finer details of creation.

Recently I was digging a hole behind the garden, and in the process I dug into what used to be an old termite mound, and found a beautiful piece of the finely sculpted internal structure of the inner housing of the mound.


Termite mounds has been a point of fascination to humanity for many years, so much so that the inner workings of the mound has inspired in a great way how we are viewing modern day architecture, and in some cases the bio-metric architecture of these termite mounds has been adapted to excising buildings such as the Eastgate Centre in Harare, Zimbabwe, that was inspired by termites’ nests. You can read a little more about this as well as some of the inner workings of the termite structure here
Another great article is one that focuses on the funding given to the study of termite mounds to encourage future sustainable architecture, you can read a bit more on that here


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