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When you take the name of Pakistan What came in your mind ????
I asked this question to many of my foreigner friends and They replied me with different answers but most common answer is a poor and a ordinary country……..
But if Pakistan is only an ordinary country then why whole world talks about it from U.S.A to Middle East wherever you goes everyone is your fan …
…..Today I am going to narrate some Facts about Pakistan…..
....Mountain Range......
Pakistan is blessed with large mountain ranges where three mightiest mountains of the world meet .
It consists of Karakoram,Himalayan and Hindukush .
Pakistan got one of the biggest glacier like Miar , Baltoro , Siachen glaciers Highway.
...8th Wonder of world...
Pakistan has the most beautifull road of the world Karakoram highway (kkh) .its lenth is 1300 km and it is satuated at the height of approx 15397.
Buisness Insider a U.S,A media giant said it is one of 25 most beautifull road in the entire world . It is the highest paved international road which connects Pakistan with the China . in coming days it also carries world biggest project called see pack .karakoram-highway-pakistan.jpg
Pakistan has 4 different weathers .
Pakistan Coast lines
Besides the famous beach of Karachi pakistan got the beach of Gawadar who is only warm water deep sea port . In coming days this beach will going to change the fate of pakistan .Gwadar.jpg
...........Grand CANIANS.....
In our province Balochistan , there is a single coastle highway consists of most beautiful landscapes which is exactly same as the grand Canians in USA visited by all over the globe but our Canians hahahaha world still doesn't know about them . Grand-Canyon-–-hero-1200x627 (1).jpg
...........OLDEST CIVILIZATION..............
Pakistan also has also those places whose are the part of world oldest civilization . Indus valley who is burried on Pakistan city Mohenjo-daro .
Indus valley was the world first civilization who startes to use tools , language , architecture , senatary system and proper houses . They have the proper water dislodgement system .There are the first civilzed people on earth .
When you talk about the sports pakistan is famous for Cricket in entire world .
In Hockey we won many time gold medals .we were champs for 4 times .
In Squash Sir Jhangir khan has the record of most consective winning matches in any sport . Those numbers were 551 . Yet this record is not broken and possibly no one could break that record .
Every country loves to play football and we could proudly says that more then 50% of world Footballs are prepared in a city of pakistan named Sialkot . images (1).jpg
Pakistan has such variety of foods like HareesaHareesa.JPG
Sindhi Biryani maxresdefault (1).jpg
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Halwa puri

Chapli kabab Chapli-Kabab-500x500.jpg
and list goes on . if a foreigner visit pakistan He could literally fall in love with them .
The European Organization for Nuclear Research, known as CERN, is a European research organization that operates the largest particle physics laboratory in all over the world. it was established in 1954, the organization is based in a northwest suburb of Geneva on the Franco–Swiss border and has 22 member states . Pakistan became its member in 2015 . Pakistan was the first Asian associsate member .2home.jpg
Besides Cern Pakistan is one of those countries whose research centers are in Antartika and scientests of Pakistan played their parts in researchs with other international Scientiests .
.......Military power......
Besides that Pakistan is an atomic power country and got best missile system . The military forces of Pakistan are the sixth largest in the world in terms of active military personnel and the largest among Muslim countries . Pakistan military has been ranked as the 11th strongest military in the world .
Pakistan intelligence agency ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) is the number 1 agency in entire world . if you dont belive me then you could google it .

Pakistan is a country who charities more then any country .
Pakistan has a ngo who has world biggest ambulance system which is non government named as Edhi foundation .edhi-foundation-1-638.jpg
Pakistan supports refuges more then any country .
Pakistan people rank **4th in intelligence **wise all over the globe d758ed04136903b28a635ba2669817a3--smiling-faces-baby-faces.jpg.
Pakistani men rank 3rd most handsome men all over the globe .
and list goes on .................i could not covers all facts in a single article .
Hope you like all info ..........