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****************Chinese thugs in Pakistan*******************

Sallam to all friends .
Today I am going to narrate a very serious and terrible game played by some chinese culprits .These so called criminals have renovated a stoneage crime to use innocent girls like their slaves .
They establish their own networks in the form of marrige centers . These networks smuggle pakistani girls to china after representing a fake marriage .Pak-_chinese-woman.jpg
Where these girls are forced for prostitutuion . I n china , they are treated like they are not human but some kind of animal , even their body organs are not safe from those chinese so called husbands especially kidneys .
First of all these bloody networks are exposed by Iqrar ul hasan hqdefault.jpg
after that agencies started to cover these operations especially FIA who has exposed despicable and devlish networks recently .fia-2-750x369.jpg
The very first action was took place in a wedding ceremony held in faisalabad where 4 people were arrested included chinese locals and the very next day in Rawalpindi .
According to the reports, these chinese nationals are succeded in smuggling more than hundreds of girls . Now when these cases are increasing day by day We have to pay our attention to such circumstances .
According to information were collected recently more then 600 people are indulged in these illegal networks included chinese and so called locals .
Initialy , their target was mostly cristian girls but now muslim girls especially poor ones . 1557305340462.jpg
These brutal networks are reported to work in citiles like Lahore , Rawalpindi, Faisalabad and Wazirabad etc .
This is the same case which was happened in other asian countries like Bangladesh ,Nepal,Bhutan and Maldeep .
Our Governament taking must take strict actions against such criminals .
Recently , Chinese ambessy which is establised in Islamabad condemned the activities of these chinese nationals .
Now we have to look how both governament collaborate to eleminate this network .
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Hope you like this .
Plz share your views on this article .
Have a good day and wish you a very Happy Ramadan kareem . download-001.jpg