RE: How Not To Be invisible in A Crowded Room

Well Pecan isn't humble at all. Very expensive around here! Nuts.

You'd think they'd be cheap cheap because so many nuts around here and supply and demand and all that! :D

Yes. Best to stay humble. It's less terrifying than free falling without a parachute. Been there. Done that. A lot! And remind myself every moment now. I hope...

No oven since April 2017. Bit sad for a someone who enjoys cooking and wants to learn cake art. And confectionary. But I'll get there and confectionary doesn't need an oven. Ingredients are not affordable right now though. An expensive hobby!

I have a microwave. A toaster. A snackwhich thingy. And a two plate stove. Not mine.

And an electric Wok that works on fucking hot, or completely off, that my mom gave me as a birthday present in my twenties :) Thirty odd years this things been going.

They don't make 'em like they used to!

Did you bake that?! 👀

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