RE: It's What's On The inside That Matters

I usually start a comment by asking about one's well being but on a post about one's well being, it seems a little silly to ask. Now I need to start with a new opening. I'm not good at new.......

It's good to see you though and i did try and send a Christmas card but your discord isn't working....or I'm blocked lol

You have a lovely window. Nice plant. Very comfy looking sofa and cushions. Beautiful dog, amazing wife.

Fucked up body. Partly.

Body will heal. Takes time but will be amazing when it does. Hopefully you'll be back on a bike, riding along giving everyone mini-hearts :-)

It's good to see your name crop up and just know, I'll be sending all the positive vibes I can muster.

Look after your mental health too young(ish) man and don't leave it so long next time please :-)

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