RE: So I Recently Began This Thing Where I Take

I got plenty of room for stalkers. = }

Anytime Stevenson7 compliments my photos I must've done something right. Thanks a lot man. There's a few of you who set the bar regarding photography, I don't take your compliments for granted.

Did you try it yet—cold shower? I mean cold, too, not just luke warm or room temp. It's a mental challenge, seriously, leaving that handle in the cold position when all it takes is a little twist of the wrist to make it hot is a helluva mind exercise first thing in the a.m.

Sorry I don't get by more often. We've literally been all over the map lately. The dust is beginning to show signs of settling though and what I'm seeing appears to be turning out quite nicely. I'll be sure to update you. I'm just going in every direction at the same time these days, paying attention to blockchain content or anything else right now is even tougher than leaving the handle on cold.

Cheers dude.

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