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Hmm, so let's see. Since joining on the 2018-05-09 you have upvoted only 3 other users accounts, hardly made any positive comments on OTHER peoples posts, and then proceeded to use bid bots to flog your frankly dubious looking product.

That's the beauty of steemit, we can actually see what other users are doing.

Maybe you've not had much time, but as far as first impressions go-not great. There is a place for that self interested and non community building behaviour already, it's called Shartbook™.

If you want to contribute to this community may I suggest you put more effort into supporting others with your vote and your comments. As for the hawking products, well I'd say the median intelligence of steemians is far too high to fall for grandiose claims or cult of personality, without having citations to peer review studies at least. I say that as someone who was a raw vegan for years as well.

So in closing, good luck, and if you are going to reply to my comment, make it original. Don't just copy and past he same answer over and over again.

I say all of the above because I love this community, I trust you will treat it with respect also.
