Origami Peacocks

There are two variations of this model with a little difference in the tail and couple steps. I actually preffer the complex one simply because the tail is prefolded there and you don't have to torture the paper with 10 layer folds.


It also looks simply fabulous. They're from a great book "Genuine origami" by Jun Maekawa, great for all levels of folders with different difficulty of models going from absolute begginner to advanced/complex. The middle of the tail took some time to figure out from the crease pattern but after 3 times unfolding the whole thing and redoing the steps I eventually got it (I think).

The simpler model is really fun to fold aswell but I'd suggest thinner paper of around 50gsm, not to thin so the legs don't flop but not to thick to be able to fold the tail.


I also really wanted to try out my handmade tissue-foil paper and made a little model which was much easier to fold, then again reversing folds on foil is a bit frustrating.


Here's an extra of the prefolds of the complex model and working on the tail:



Really exited to use that dark blue 2 sided tissue-foil.
I also found a way to efficiently cut squares from irregular shapes which is very useful for making tissue foil since cooking foil companies don't really care about being too precise which becomes visible after 100+ folds.


I found it on this thread but it says it's by Jackie Yang, credits to him, very useful.

I got the taskbook for the second round of the origami olympiad and started with the tessellations since they're my favorite. The models in general are way more challenging than the first round and I'm sure I won't be able to fold all of them any time soon.

Thank you for reading, I'm thinking about doing some easier models some time soon to engage the community aswell :) .

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