Wildfire and Oregon Burns. Update and puppy fundraiser.

Really stressed out today and things are pretty rough.

However we have some amazing things in our life so things really aren't that bad. But we definitely had some drama come up last night.

Well today I had to deal with that and now we have some major prayers going up because one of my family members is in need of some serious change.

Well I wasn't able to get pictures and all that today because I was really busy trying to get moving and out to help with the forest fires that are absolutely devastating the Oregon area. We have a bunch of fires in the Clackamas area that are pushing people out estacada has been closed down. Clackamas has been put on curfew and looting has been reported in multiple instances.

And then we also have multiple issues of people starting forest fires in the local area. Yep. In Vancouver there was an individual who threw a Molotov cocktail and drivers ended up following him all the way until police officers were able to make an arrest.

all the way from Washington State and especially massive amounts of Oregon area individuals were caught starting fires.

A lot of people are very upset and stressed out so we have individuals armed and not wanting to leave their property. Then we also have individuals coming into these areas and starting issues as well as breaking into homes.

It is highly unadvisable in rural Oregon to do any property crimes.

Best way to put it is they don't cotton to thieves.

There is a massive movement to transport the livestock and as many animals out of affected areas.

I am not going to post any pictures of the horrific sights that I have seen.

From cats who survived being horrifically burned to dogs who had to run through the wildfires.

We must save prayers to all of the animals who have lost their lives because they were not able to run or they did not have anywhere to run to.

so many people have come together and I have reports from Eugene Oregon where BLM and antifa protesters were working side by side with Patriot prayer /rednecks.

Yep that is right pretty much the entire day is focused on helping animals and evacuating human beings instead of being divided.

Police are absolutely smashed with calls and so overwhelmed that they cannot do anything.

There is entire towns in Oregon that have just disappeared and there are quite a few larger towns in southern Oregon that are significantly smaller.

Local area farms have been opened up to deal with massive amount of displaced livestock and pets.

It is absolutely amazing how much human beings are alike and how strong we can be when we all come together.

Today I have seen the absolutely ugliness of human beings who think that they can pray on people running for safety.

And I've also seen the absolutely amazing heroism and hard work of people who have worked tirelessly to save so many animals.

And then I also watch these people get called out to go assist and it was somebody just perpetrating a hope wasting resources however the volunteers do not even bat an eyelash and answer the very next call with as much enthusiasm as they started the day with.

personally I was frustrated all day long that I could not fix my vehicle and get to the volunteer center. So I put $20 of my own money into a new friends gas tank.

While I had tried I did not find a place that needed my assistance.

Woodland Washington was an epicenter last night for a massive amount of evacuations so that was my first stop and after an hour of patiently waiting and praying that nothing would be seriously wrong and would need our total support and attention it ended up being called to a close that the wind had died down.

Yep that's right the wind had changed and died down. Which then allowed me to go looking for other areas to help out.

Clark county fairgrounds had taken in a massive amount of horses so possibly tomorrow that could be an avenue for me to go help and support.

I didn't sleep very well because of all the stress so we will see what's all going on in the next couple of days.

Hopefully my radiator will be here later today.

Really appreciate everybody who has helped on the puppy fundraiser and I am still working towards that goal.

However I think that I am nearly finished with this fundraiser.

I'm really tired and I will try to edit to add my donor list however I think I will just skip it for tonight and try to do a proper post tomorrow

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