Why nationalism is stupid

We live in a world where borders are starting to lose their meaning. In the past 60-70 years, globalization took over the world and everybody enjoys all the world has to offer. You would think that when the people see things prosper and everything’s good, they would want to continue like this. You would think that they would want to push to globalized markets, open the borders and share the wealth with everybody. You would think that they would want peace and prosperity.

But unfortunately, as we can see all over the world, people are doing this backwards. Instead of going forward, to an open world, they close up in their own backyards, embracing this thing called nationalism, going back to the tribal nature of humans.

Historically, nationalism started as a liberation movement, when people oppressed by the weight of the empires started wanting to have a voice. Wanted to have a country of their own. This is why the 1848 revolutions were about, this is why the Imperial colonies started to fall apart. The people wanted to have a world of their own, in a world they never had one. But this lead to other things, more cruel and vicious that any other thing that happened in the 6000+ years known history of mankind. The WWI, the Great War to End the All, followed by the 2nd one. If the first one was an amalgam of reasons, the second war was driven by pure nationalism, where a group of people wanted to rule over another, just because they were belonging to a group, or race, that they believed it was superior to others.

After WW2, this nationalist movement seemed to slow down. To slowly disappear from the people's' minds. Of course, it was still there, but maybe not so vicious like it was before, not so damaging to the world like before. And for a while it was peace in the world. And we could focus on great things like going into space, creating new technologies like computers and the internet and the mobile phone and many others.

But in the past years the rhetoric started to come back. It started to slither in the minds of the masses, driven by leaders that are either stupid or have a very well defined agenda. Or they just want power for the sake of power.

It’s election season almost all over the globe right now. And I’m looking with stupor when I see some dangerous leaders with a very dangerous agenda are gaining power seats. I’m wondering are those people stupid? Or just unconscious of their choice? Are we reaching a turning point in history where we will be at each other's throats once again for the sole reason that we belong to a different nation?

What’s so great about belonging to a particular nation? What’s the point of having pride of being born in a particular country? Of course, it’s having it’s perks being born in North America or Europe, rather than being born in Africa, for example, but besides having a better living condition, what’s the point? We are having just a small advantage at the start of the life race. But, beside this, that’s it.

Being proud of the country's history? History is written by the winners and we never know what exactly happened at any point in history. We can’t say exactly what is happening now, in the present days. Why being proud of something that happened in the past? History is to be learned, not to arouse our vanity.

Being proud of the culture? Religion? Why would that be greater that other cultures around the world? Just because it’s ours? Just because, by chance, we were born into it?

Why do people think they are greater than others just because they are born at a particular latitude and longitude?

Humans are humans. With equal chances, everyone could achieve the great things.

And this is why nationalism is stupid.

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