I Hate To Say It But Peoples Priorities Are F Up


If there is no better case then the recent destruction of Notre Dame fire. We can clearly see how F up the world really is and what people seem to care about more.

With all the media attention on the Notre Dame fire it seems wealthy people including some in crypto have taken up the idea to donate massive amounts of money to rebuilding it.

I get it its an important part of history but don't forget the Catholic Church is one of the wealthiest organizations already in the world.

As of yesterday the fund to rebuild it reached over 700 million dollars.

This is MUCH more then the cost of actually rebuilding it.

I don't know about you but that money could be used to do so much more good for so many more people. It just goes to show you the vast majority of people with wealth care more about property and buildings then they do about people.

I am sure this is a sensitive topic but one I wanted to put it out there as cases such as this honestly turn my stomach and really make me question people.

Perhaps the donated money will be used for someone good I can only hope and time will tell.


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