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#OpHumanAngels #ChalkWithMe: Spreading Positive Messages in our Neighbourhood

Your kindness shines brighter than any star ⭐


It's so easy to leave the chalk at home when I go out for walks, thinking if I'm not going to do something extravagant then I won't do anything at all.

Today the boys and I were headed out to pick berries and ride bikes, and I thought, even if I do something small, like write even one message, it's better than not doing anything at all.

So I Started Small

Your Life is Precious


Who knows, maybe someone will stumble upon one of these messages and it will change their day for the better. These two messages didn't feel like a lot to me, it didn't feel like some amazing accomplishment, yet perhaps it could bring another human, joy. Thought. Make their day a little different than it was before they stumbled upon these words.

How #OpHumanAngels Began

In this video you will see how we got started in Edmonton, Canada. It's all about the little things, the small ways we can show our love for all of humanity. Unconditionally. Through random acts of love and kindness. I have been slacking lately, a little too wrapped up in my own world, and today I woke back up to my purpose in life...

#OpHumanAngels from Kristie Elgersma on Vimeo.

The Moral of Today's Story

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We don't need to be heroic, taking grand actions to 'save the world'. I'm reminded that if we all did just a little, every day, just go out of our way the tiniest bit, it will all add up, we can tip the scales. We have free will. We can change our future.