They need us

Sharing is a very noble act, and it can even reduce the burden of our brothers who need it. Loving and caring for the poor is our capital to the path of victory on the day of vengeance, because in our right there is the right of the poor, and the rights of orphans. @lyndsaybowes, she is really human with angel's heart, she is willing to trust and want to entrust me to share to people who need. Hopefully we are always given health, given the ease, given the spaciousness in life, because people can not afford to need our helping hand. If if the great people of this world want to reduce the burden of the poor, there really is not a poor person in this world, because so many rich people in this world who can reduce the burden of those in need. But there are some of them who do not care about orphans and the poor, what they say, they are stingy and greedy. We only live once, after, there's no coming back to life, doing good things will make us be remembered by the people, and will even be a role model for everyone. imageWhen I buy rice and chicken eggs image imageWhen heading to the target home image
We need lyndsaybowes, This is an old woman, her husband is dead, when aceh is in a state of conflict
imagethis is a woman who deserves help, she says, thank you lyndsaybowes imageWhen I buy food for orphanage children, they are orphans and less able image imageWhen receiving food, the orphan at the orphanage is very happy, and happy, and happy. imageThey asked where lyndsaybowes is.. I told them She is very far away in Canada image image Their cheerfulness is bright with this help, and I am very happy and can feel how happy they are when receiving this help, they say, thank you, @lyndsaybowes, may you remain a simple woman, tough woman, woman of hero to the poor and orphans .

Thank you very much @kayya.muleeya, @war-tp, @overkil, @siren7, @nafazul, and @karmapala, for your assistances. You guys are such big help.

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