First page google rank using steemit for keyword placement

I have no idea if anyone else already remarked this, but i find my "discovery" interesting and of a lot of value, so I would like to share it here on steemit: STEEMIT is at the moment probably the best tool ever for keyword placement to optimize google ranking.

Shortly to my profession: I work as a marketing guy in a niche market, where it is sometimes very difficult to place the right adword and keyword connections for an acceptable google ranking. As this is key to the success of being found and percieved in the international online markets, someone can spend months in optimizing keywords and creating a spider web of content, just to be placed near the "whales".

Very shortly resumed you could reduce this work to 8 rules:

  1. Understand how people use the media you want to "exploit", understand their reading behaviour.
  2. The most important information comes first, explain it later when there is real interest. Don´t steal the readers time.
  3. Make it easy for the reader, no distractions. It´s harder to read online (about 20%) than reading e.g. a book or paper article.
  4. Keep it short! (same reason as #3)
  5. Be consistent with the information you provide
  6. Create valuable content, no "happy-talk"
  7. Stay objective and to the point (or funny )
  8. Don´t overdo keyword placement, this will annoy readers.

Now you can add another point: 9) USE STEEMIT to provide real and valuable content and have great side effects.

The first reason is of course, that here you get a lot of online oriented guys (99% of those will use an adblocker, so you can´t "get" them with an adword campain or any other advertising. If you provide valuable content you will possibly get immediately rewarded.)
The more important point for me is. Steemit content ranks absolutely great on google. And it is incredibly fast.
I tried this with our enterprise account several times and the steemit content pops up on googles first page searching for the most valuable keywords (to us), after 2-4 days.

I have no idea and no intent of claiming to know how the google structures and algorythms work and I can imagine that this will change soon (at least when some 100 000 people are using this possibility), but for the moment it works. And it works absolutely phantastic.

So shortly how you do it:

Write a content base article on steemit. Place your needed keywords in the headline, the text and in the tags on the bottom. That´s it.

Have fun and be successful!

PS: I did not find this topic on steemit and hope that I did not unintentionally plagiate some older content.

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