Learning my first youtube course | Day 8 of 90

day 8.jpg

Hey guys!! The first thing after I woke up is to check what time it is in PST.

Why am I so excited about it?

Because, I'm starting a Youtube course with Marina Mogilko, and I can't wait to learn everything she has prepared in the course for us (who is interested in starting own youtube channel)

What I learn from the course?

I learned to create a google account ---> create my own youtube account (or switch from personal youtube account to business account---> shoot a video of myself (practice in looking at the camera lens, not the screen)
and last but not least, what the student of her course will learn.


I'm excited to learn about my next lesson tomorrow.

This was a photo I took while practicing talking in front of the camera.
Photo on 12-11-19 at 4.07 PM.jpg

And, one most important thing! Don't seek perfection.
Stay tuned!

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