TARSA Fan Art - Splinterlands Art Contest! Week 175

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Tarsa look at you and she said "Well, come on!. Let's see if any of you are strong enough for me" This is a fan art submission to Splinterlands Art Contest.

Hi guys, how R U today?. I hope all of you have a great day. In this opportunity, I'd like to present to you art again. She is a fire summoner with 4 mana costs. Yeah, She is Tarsa. If you like it, don't forget to Vote for it hehe.


TARSA Short History

The village folk always say that Tarsa was born with fire in her blood, and that is true in many ways. Her burning rage and quick temper are amplified by her powers to summon and control fire. While her parents and teachers tried to instill patience for such dangerous magic, Tarsa had little time for that. She used her abilities to bully and threaten those that got in her way.

Her young and innocent-looking appearance only helped her to further manipulate people around her. “Tarsa always gets what Tarsa wants” is what she says to herself every time something or someone challenges her.

When the Chaos Legion arrived, Tarsa saw this as an opportunity to have free reign of her firepower without interference from anyone else. So long as the Chaos Legion opens the path for her, she can burn everything else to the ground.


First I start by making a sketch

done with the sketch I start to make the base color, shadow, and Highlight. and character done hehe

To make this one will look like a fire summoner I add fire effect and background to make it look beautiful.

Finish 😆. Woah This is my first time writing a lot like this. I don't know This is good or not but I think this Improve my writing skill 🤣.

Before I end my post, I want to say Thanks To :
@japex1226 : When I see his Grum that really inspired me to write with format texting and make my post more beautiful. Bro Thank you very much I learn a lot from You 😊
@thepeakstudio for Dividers
See You in my next post hehe 😁