One photo every day: Ledger Nano S (240/365)


(Took me a while... Vera wanted to talk about our house plans so it ended up eating deep into my photo session.)

The reveal: UPS finally brought me those two Nano wallets I ordered. Took almost two months

Ledger Nano S boxes.
Cool packages!

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: Sigma ART 50mm ƒ/1.4
Aperture: ƒ/7.1
Exposure: 1/80 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

The packaging was much cooler than for the Trezor wallets.

Anyway, since the taking and editing of the photos was delayed, I'll post the rest of the photos tomorrow. I'm tired again... and I was going to fix my sleep cycles.

Must go to bed now.
Good night!

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

Feel free to join our discord server.

We've created channels where people can find other like-minded photographers wanting to pursue a daily routine, and create their own 365 project. If you fall into motivational or inspirational problems, there'll be a channel where you may seek help. There's also a channel for sharing tips and advice in photography.

[Previous post: The UPS came to drop something by. Can you guess what it was?]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



Emptiness in white (233/365)
Cataloguing the plants #6, Apenkieli – Sansevieria (Edit: "Anopinhammas"?) (234/365)
So I finally got to reading... (235/365)
Kilkenny Irish Red Ale (236/365)
Prykmestar Savu (237/365)
Church of Hollola (238/365)
The descend. (239/365)

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