February - Aquarius - Holy Nights Art Project 2

colored pencil and acrylic on tissue paper

I think this is done now ... today is a very significant day for me... this showed up this morning...


I think this whole thing this month has been about me climbing out of the hole that I dug for myself and becoming the instigator that I am supposed to be...my path - an instigator for Truth... the last 3 weeks I have been praying every night and standing up and fighting for principle and it has been hard but I am not the same person I was a month ago...and I am a lot happier- sleeping well at night... and ready for whatever is to come...and I think I have been "asleep" "resting on my laurels" sleeping in the delicious water and this month my spirit broke free and I started speaking out and it's me climbing out of the deep dark cave I have been living in up till now to the light.


February - I gave her silver hair like mine... and then saw the archway in the corner.

While I made this piece I was going through an Initiation. I was having to stand up for principle in the face of absolute opposition - day in day out for 2 weeks at least. I found that the way to get the power to do it was through Prayer. It was the most amazing experience I have had in a long time. And I am not done. I still will have to continue to do do it. I pray, and then like Popeye eating his spinach, I become Super Chick - it's amazing.

And then the trail it left shows that the bird is coming from her throat and heart and consciousness...at this same time I was going through having to stand up in a room full of my peers for principles which no one wants to acknowledge - alone - by myself - the only one who understands - and my Spiritual Advisor told me that Jesus had to do the same.


After that, I saw a bird flying from her.


Next I saw a woman sleeping while floating in the water.


I put a river in to the picture. Of course I did not want to do it because it seemed too "obvious" - but then I realized that river banks are a water-bearer and that's Aquarius.


This drawing I did after asking God to show me what I should do regarding the SHTF...it is basically showing how God/The SUN/Son will be there blasting me with light the whole time that I am staring at the "knowledge of good and evil" so don't get mesmerized but either way I will still be in the loop and do my energy exercises.


I ended up putting up some blue paper because I messed it up and didn't like what I did to start it off...

original feb.jpeg
Original "February" base art.

Previous Posts

January Artwork @in2itiveart/january-capricorn-fish-out-of-water-holy-nights-art-project-1

January 6 - Sagitarius

January 5: Scorpio

January 4: Libra

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January 2: Leo

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December 31 NYE- Cancer

December 30 Gemini

December 29 Taurus

December 28 Aries

December 27 Pisces

December 26, Aquarius

December 25, Capricorn

Winter Solstice Intention, 12/21/22

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