April - Aries - Holy Nights Project 4

*Mixed Media - acrylic, sharpie, tissue paper on paper 11 x 14.

It's an illustration of multi-dimensionality - of leaving Pisces and moving not only into Aries but leaving the Age of Pisces and moving into the Age of Aquarius and being a Truth Teller - being forced into it - being the barking dog and the dog that bites -

I know I came here during this time for a reason and I must shed my disdain for this time which I am using to control my absolute purpose and joy as a Truth Teller - like it or not -

As a rose unfolding it's petals - the red rose being symbolic in Alchemy of revealing the phases of passion, desire and transformation through love- the process of turning base metals into gold both really and metaphorically,

Gold in it's inherent value - was stolen from the people, by the US government in 1933 and they were coerced - offered back "benefits" of Social Security - the temptation of satanism vs. living the daring life according to Nature and God...

And the Source of ALL - being God - far away but also right here in our hearts...

The dog barking left to right - means taking the truth from the subconscious and bringing it into manifestation...

Here I am now, in my work meeting which is long and boring and so I just used the sharpie to put in energy lines and start to put in highlights on the petals. I work best when my left brain is completely absorbed by something else - this is when I take a lot of risks.

At this point the background was making me nuts that it was yellow so I made it blue to give the whale a place to swim in.

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Then I used a sharpei to clearly define it all.

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But because I am in a group of people - and they see what I see, I kind of have to push myself past the comfort level - so I added the sperm whale too to the mish-mosh.

Here's the dog - I really did not want to include him because I hate mish-mosh art. I prefer it to tell a cohesive story...

april 2.jpeg
April 2 I started drawing on it...I can see the dog face and I can see the rose and I can also see a sperm whale...

Here's where I left it in January...

Previous Posts

March Artwork

February Artwork @in2itiveart/february-aquarius-holy-nights-art-project-2

January Artwork @in2itiveart/january-capricorn-fish-out-of-water-holy-nights-art-project-1

January 6 - Sagitarius

January 5: Scorpio

January 4: Libra

January 3: Virgo

January 2: Leo

January 1: New Year's Day Projection from NYE

December 31 NYE- Cancer

December 30 Gemini

December 29 Taurus

December 28 Aries

December 27 Pisces

December 26, Aquarius

December 25, Capricorn

Winter Solstice Intention, 12/21/22

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