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Introducing The Omniloquent Project: A Cryptocurrency Publication That Pays Steemit Users For Their Articles

Hey all, @yallapapi here. I want to introduce you to the new account and go over some guidelines.

What is Omniloquent?

Omniloquent is an online cryptocurrency publication hosted on Steemit. Our goal is to help Steemit users earn money by receiving 40-50% of the SBD post rewards of all articles they contribute to the account. We are currently focusing on the cryptocurrency niche, but may expand into other niches over time.

Goals of the platform

Omniloquent has 3 goals:

  1. Encourage Steemit users to produce high quality content that can be easily shared off-site
  2. Offer Steemit users the opportunity to reach a greater audience by publishing content on our platform
  3. Become a respected source of high quality information cryptocurrency content both on and off Steemit

Our overarching goal here at Omniloquent is ultimately to become a faucet for professionally-written articles that are shareable across the Internet.

Submission guidelines

Expectations for contributing writers are as follows:


  • Articles should be between 300-500 words in length and original (can be previously posted off-site, but you must own the rights)
  • Articles must be spellchecked before being sent for submission
  • Articles should include at least one image with source info
  • Articles should also be formatted in markdown along with images/videos before being sent
  • Articles should be written and attached as a .txt or .docx file
  • Articles should have a professional tone.
  • Articles must have something to do with cryptocurrency or general finance (stocks, options, personal finance, etc)
  • There is no limit on the amount of articles you can submit
  • Editorials (opinion pieces) and news are allowed
  • Editor will select the best articles and post them under the magazine account.
  • Every article will include author's info and a link to her/his account (Could also be a website or other destination. Please, specify)




Writers will receive 40% of their post's SBD payout collected by their published articles on the 8th day of their publication.*

All submissions must be sent to

Our success is your success

Omniloquent is structured as a collective effort to earn rewards from the Steem blockchain.

Over time, the account will accumulate SP and its votes will become more valuable. Assuming the price of Steem remains stable, writers will eventually be able to earn full-time income from writing for Omniloquent and any future publications.

The more community support the program receives, the faster it will grow. The faster it grows, the faster we can replicate it in other niches. The more niches we provide, the more writers we can employ. And the more writers we employ, the more opportunities we can offer veteran contributors to take on more responsibility and earn a greater share of the profits.

The early bird gets the worm

This is a new, untested project. Rewards will probably be meager at first.

But #sharkschool was once a new project. @Flashfiction, the current @omniloquent editor, saw the potential in #sharkschool and went out of his way to make himself useful.

He recruited new users, volunteered to moderate the Spanish channel, and shared valuable information to help move the group forward.

Now, he runs the @omniloquent magazine and receives 40% of the SBD payout for each post. This puts him in the unique position of being able to make hundreds to thousands of dollars per month, even more than the owner of the account.

Had he not stepped up when #sharkschool was new, he would not have gotten this opportunity.

The same goes for this project. The people who step up now and prove that they are responsible, intelligent and ambitious will be rewarded with more responsibility (and more money) when future projects are created.

How to get involved

At the time of this writing, we are looking for the following:

  1. Cryptocurrency writers (we can never have enough, so don't be shy)
  2. Marketing partners (20% of SBD payout is allotted to potential partners)
  3. An SP delegation for greater post rewards

In its early stages, we have chosen to give Steemit users the opportunity to be the program's alpha testers. Up to 150 posts (down from 300) will be published each month (just like any other major internet publication), and for the first month we are not going to recruit any writers from off-site. This may be subject to change if the volume of posts is not high enough.

As mentioned earlier, all submissions must be sent to @flashfiction at

On the horizon

While the current goal of @omniloquent is to create a cryptocurrency publication on Steemit that employs Steemit writers, the long term goal is much larger than that.

The idea is to create a content distribution network that writes and places cryptocurrency articles for blockchain startups. By controlling both the production and distribution of crypto content, we are able to offer clients a reliable service that virtually guarantees them exposure across multiple platforms.

The ultimate goal is 50 cryptocurrency information sites.

This is obviously an ambitious goal, so much so that accomplishing it is beyond our current level of comprehension.

In the meantime, anyone who runs a cryptocurrency news site and is looking for additional content is encouraged to get in touch. We have many articles written by non-Steemit authors that are looking for a home and can produce more on a regular basis.

Business inquiries should be sent to

@YallaPapi's involvement

You probably noticed that this post is devoid of memes, profanity, and irreverent humor in favor of a more professional tone. All upcoming posts from me on this account will be the same.

While I love writing on my personal page, it's likely that I will slowly be transferring all of my SP into this account. It's also possible that I'll slow the output on my @yallapapi account while I focus on getting this one up and running.

I will make posts here updating the status of the project as needed. All post rewards from my posts on here will be powered up into SP to fund the rewards.

Other than that, my main priority is finding marketing partners/sponsors to delegate SP to this account to increase the incentive for writers to contribute content. Anyone who is interested in getting involved is welcome to contact me any time.


Send post submissions to

Contact @YallaPapi directly at

Join the Discord group for faster communication

For a detailed explanation of this project, read this.