Less privileged

No price on the skin

It changed my way of seeing people, the places I used to frequent became smokescreens, the people I saw on the street were no longer just "less privileged" than me.

It was more than 2 years ago when I heard for the first time the phrase "trafficking in persons" or "modern slavery", I thought that this theme was of the last century, something that our society fought and won the battle, I knew that the "age of slavery "for films with scenes where there were people auctioned and bought as a material good, to my surprise when looking for information on this subject I discovered that in the XXI century where we have human rights, laws and diverse associations there is more slavery than ever in the history of The humanity. How can this be possible?

I am a graduate in international business, during the university career we studied the business models that exist, and how these affect both positively and negatively our society. I discovered that human trafficking is the most profitable illegal business that exists generating more than 39,000 million Euros according to a report made by INTERPOL generating more income than the sale of drugs and weapons. The average age of trafficked victims is only 12 years. What did you do at age 12?

They are children, teenagers and young people involved in this business, it sounds cold, right? Most of them are for sexual exploitation, serving more than 30 clients a week each. They are mostly drugged so that they do not "resist" and collaborate with what the client asks, because the client is worth gold. I know this sounds too much like a thriller or horror movie but it is the harsh reality, without customers there is no "product" is the law of supply and demand.

Mexico ranks first in Latin America in human trafficking according to global studies, Sonora is one of the 3 states with the largest number of trafficking because of its geographic location, not only sexual, but also forced labor, especially to carry drugs abroad.

Lia was born as a company of social impact, not only provide an unforgettable moment with that floral arrangement, which you give to the person you love or who you are celebrating on that special day. Part of Lia's earnings are directed to prevention campaigns and awareness of human trafficking.

Maybe it is impossible to save millions but I can prevent 1 less from falling into the networks of traffickers.

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