Pearls Before Swine?

A Bit of Business Advice

Many times, opportunity will knock at our door, but for whatever reason we either choose not to answer, or we just weren't home at the time. Whatever you do, don't be this guy!

About a decade ago, a man in the Philippines found what looks to be the largest pearl in, well, ever. It has an estimated value of US$100 million. What did he do with this find? He considered it a good luck charm, and put it under his bed. I am going to assume he was not in possession of US$100M prior to this find, and instead was low working class. Likely putting in a hard day's work every day since entering the workforce, and continuing to do so every day, after making his find.

Nothing wrong with hard work, mind you. I'm all for it. But engage in it because it is something you enjoy doing, and not because you need to put food on the table and keep a roof over your head. The US$100M could have bought him the life of his dreams, a full 10 years ago. The giant pearl only came to light because he was forced to leave his home (and do you think if he had a 100 million dollars he would have been forced to do anything?) and while in the process of moving, he showed the find to an acquaintance who realized what it was, and reported the find.

Now, hopefully, the lucky man will receive full payment once the pearl is priced and sold. You may say no real harm done. But time is the one resource we don't have the opportunity to stockpile. Even if he does get the full amount and keeps it, he has already lost an entire decade when he could have been enjoying his fortune. It may have been a good luck charm, but its luck was neutralized very effectively by a bad luck charm the man already had in his possession, his brain.

Don't ever be that guy.

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