A new Energy(My Proper Introduce yourself post on Hive)

My name is Unyime Etuk, a Nigerian, a physics graduate, and a content creator, a selftaught artist, an art Entrepreneur and a success enthusiast. Some of us knew me because I was on steemit before with the same username. But my last post on steemit was 11 months ago. An action I regret but was inevitable.


It has been my dream to be a content creator an informed artist and also an art entrepreneur. In the pursuit of these, I applied for a job in a gallery and I was offered one. I didn't go there to work for money, I went there to gather experience and fortunately, I am loaded with one.


While working in the gallery, I came across a good cinematographer who unleashed a truck load of content creating skills into my life. Not the Hollywood standard tho but I feel I can be a 2/10 in that regard😁 though I am still trying to balance the knowledge I have gathered with the contents I create.


I have done a few and I will release them with time but Some are on my YouTube channel. Please go check it out here is my youtube link


I used to work 8am to 4pm weekdays and the few hours left before 8pm will be to learn content creating. My efforts were rewarded immensely as I got a lumix g7, a manfrotto tripod, lightings, a mft rokinon cine lens(since lumix g7 is mft) that affects my bokeh but for a start, its cool😁 upgrade is constant, hard disk, a mic, a acer nitro 5 laptop and all other stuffs that will be handy.


After gathering this new energy, I decided to do a comeback. That's how I got to learn about Hive. So this is my first post here on hive and it's not going to be my last😊. I am hoping to have a nice stay here.


Here Is me putting what I practiced to use. It was my first attempt to creating content on my own. It was terrible but not entirely😀. Please click here to watch the full video.

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