For the flower to be Beautiful, it should be Cultivated

For a flower to be Beautiful, it should be Cultivated well

Ixora flowers or also know as Flame of the Jungle are tropical plants and are native to south Asia.

These plants are of wide variety and have around 500 different species. The flower plant Ixora has large leaves with thick quote of wax and are with shining layer. The plant has small cluster of flowers which are in star shape.

The Bunch normally forms a round shape and each cluster can contain up to 60 flowers. The flowers stay fresh for more than a week and can extend to two weeks. The flowers of Ixora plants are of multiple colors. The most common colors are Red Orange Yellow and white. The cross cultivation can yield multiple colors in same plant 😊

The one we have in our oarents garden is 20 yrs old now and it is a cross cultured flower with red and orange colors grow in same bunch.

I captured all the photographs in my Samsung S9 smartphone with a prosumer macro lens over the smartphone camera.
The flower bunch was still not bloomed fully. Here we had one and two flowers.


Did you know ?

  • Ixora plants need water and sunlight as important factors. Dry soil can harm the plant and always needs to be watered


  • There are 500 different species of Ixora family which can grow as tall as 12 feet. Average is considered to be 4 - 6 feet and they bear seeds like berry having 1 - 2 seeds


  • The plant flowers through out the year and are ever green. Because of the flowering nature, the plant is used in community gardens and homes gardens in smaller pots.


  • The leaves of Ixora plant have an antiseptic nature and ate used as medicines as antiseptics in fighting wounds.


  • Ixora plants always need brighter sun s d sunlight and the plants wont survive longer cooler n frost weather


  • To get brighter and healthier flower bunches, Ixora plants also need to be protected from hotter middays and should have slight shades from hot midday sun


  • The plants can be grafted easily with all available methods for every plant. And cross grafting also follows the same procedure


Hope the information was worth reading for you all. Our plant is in a cement pot and has enough branch endings to keep the plant full of flowers all round the year


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